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Welcome to SWMG (Shadow wizard money gang)

MEmbErs oF ThY GAnG

“Black Mage,” the leader of SWMG

"Black Mage" (Hayden Malloch)

Known as the gang leader. Founded the Shadow Wizard Money Gang in 2023. Learned all his spells from being in Hogwarts for 20 years. Real name Hayden Malloch.

"Banana Pencil,” second in command of SWMG

"Banana Pencil"
(Mason Cooper)

He is second in command learned how to do magic from Ashton's spell book and was taken by the Black Mage to be in the SWMG.

"Mr.PlaysWithSquirrel,” he plays with squirrels. Doesn’t know much magic.
"Shadow wizard IV,” The fourth member of the group, he is the most dripped out.

(Noah Urbina)

Known as a mentally insane man. Does not know much spells. Is the actual cousin of Mason Cooper. MOST IMPORTANTLY HE PLAYS WITH Squirrels.

"Shadow wizard IV"
(Eli Adams)

He is the fourth member to join the gang. He is also one of the most drippiest gang members in the gang. He is very unstable thats why he is in the gang.


A group photo of the whole SWMG.
More art of the SWMG
Art of “Black Mage,” doing magic stuff.
Art of “Banana Pencil” surrounded by bananas.
Art of “Mr.PlaysWithSquirrel,” playing with squirrels.
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