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please help

Ashton here, I don't have much time, but, this guy named "Avery Phillips" is trying to take over the site, he's held me and the group hostage in a rat lair for seven days, only letting us out for schooling, he's linked his own creation on our Volumes page, please help, I'm not sure how long he's going to keep us.

This is Mason he treating us better than Ashton

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6 комментариев

22 сент. 2023 г.

Is Avery Mason Bad's stunt double?

Avery Phillips
Avery Phillips
18 окт. 2023 г.
Ответ пользователю

I can confirm this, the falling was done all by himself


Неизвестный пользователь
22 сент. 2023 г.

Where are yall

Avery Phillips
Avery Phillips
18 окт. 2023 г.
Ответ пользователю

they are in my basement in the unintelligent mansion

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