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Ashton is exploring Mason’s stomach with LT, “This place is insane!” Exclaimed Ashton, “How did he eat an entire office building?!” 


“Rookie numbers, I once ate an entire subway station!” Joked LT. 


“Dang.” Replied Ashton, “Anyways, we need to find this demon before it fully takes over Mason…” 


LT is reading a book on demons he checked out of the library before he was eaten. “It’s most likely in his brain, according to this book.” LT informed Ashton.


“Ah, okay, thank you for your help, LT.” Replied Ashton


Ashton and LT began their journey to Mason’s head, it was going smoothly, until…


A germ approaches Ashton and LT, Ashton goes up to the germ, and he attempts to shake it’s hand, idiotically. 


The germ slaps Ashton, knocking him to the ground. 


LT pulls up his bow, draws back the string, and fires an arrow directly in the center of the germ, killing it. 


Ashton gets up with a red mark across his face and claps for LT. “You did it! Good job, LT!” Ashton cheered to LT.


LT celebrates. 


Ashton and LT continue to make their way to Mason’s brain, killing many other germs along the way. They are almost to the skull when suddenly a bunch of cells in army jackets and army helmets.


“Uh oh!” Exclaimed LT.


“The immune system…” Said Ashton, frightened. 


LT lifts up his bow. “Let’s do thi-”


“No!” Ashton pushes LT’s bow back down. “You can’t attack his immune system! It’s important to his survival, we just have to run!” Ashton grabs LT’s arm and runs, continuing to the skull.


Ashton and LT arrive in the skull. “Huh, I didn’t expect it to be so empty here…” Said Ashton, confused.


"The demon's gotta be here somewhere…" Said LT.


"Yeah… But where?" Asked Ashton.

“Rightttt there…” said LT, squinting his eyes.


“No LT, that's just one brain cell he has left” Ashton said 


“Oh,  yeah you’re right…” Replied LT


Ashton see’s a strange button and presses it.


A demonic Elmo appears and Elmo’s theme song starts to play .


Ashton draws the Sword of Darkness


Ashton and Elmo have a stare down while LT hides behind Ashton, cowering in fear. Elmo charges  full speed at ashton while screaming “LALA hdhcgkwd LALA!” Almost like he was corrupted. Elmo starts using dark magic to summon clones but he was no match for LT’s bow, LT shot him in the leg mid summoning and knocked him down. Elmo looked at LT full of anger and ran at them. Ashton ducked and took a swing at his arm and missed and only hit a little bit of his arm yet it was still functional. 


Elmo all of the sudden snapped and LT vanished. 


Ashton was worried but then he used his magic and made LT reappear and realized that he could vanish Elmo, but that’s too anticlimactic, so the battle rages on. 


Elmo summons a peasant to fight but is annihilated instantly by Ashton’s Sword of Darkness. 


Elmo bullrushes Ashton and is decapitated. Another one appears. 


LT is confused. 


Turns out the real one vanished and summoned a clone. Elmo then rushes at them with two dark blades from god knows where and scratches Ashton. 


Ashton gets very angry and rushes at Elmo with his sword, stabbing it through Elmo, spreading stuffing everywhere. 


Elmo looks up at Ashton with a look of sadness, he says “Elmo is sad…” and dies. 


Ashton succumbs to his injuries and passes out.


LT picks up Ashton and runs for an ear as an exit. 

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