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Ashton is sitting in the corner of his room eating a burrito in the dark whilst watching Markiplier.


Then Mason busts open the door with a bomb in one of his hands and screams “WHO IS EATING TACO BELL?!?!” 


Ashton mumbles and takes out an earbud, “I’m eating a burrito…” 


Then Mason exclaimed “Burntoe!” and left the room.


---------------------------------------------------A few hours later------------------------------------------------------


“POLISH DANCING COW!” Hayden yells. He then got on all fours and did the dance. He then crawled off demonically.


Ashton’s still locked in his room eating a burrito watching Markiplier with the lights off. 


Hayden fazed through the wall and ate him, and the burrito. 


Ashton sits in Hayden’s stomach and watches Markiplier.




Hayden then regurgitates Ashton and the router.  Hayden makes a demonic screech and then runs off


“I need to fix him…” Says Ashton, he then pulls out an infinity gauntlet and fixes Hayden, he then proceeds to put on his camo hoodie and sneak off to school, he thinks it makes him invisible, it does not.


Ashton is literally just sprinting down the road at incredibly fast slow speeds.


----------------------------------------------------7 hours later----------------------------------------------------------- 


Ashton returns dragging someone behind him. 


“Help.” Yoni says while getting dragged at supersonic speeds. He is helpless, tied up being dragged at sonic speeds


“This is Yoni…” Ashton lets go of Yoni, “He’s here upon his own free will.” Ashton says, telling Mason and Hayden. Ashton then exclaimed “It's the truth!”


”Don’t listen to him, he's insane,” Yoni screams to the top of his lungs.


“He’s joking,” Replied Ashton.


“NO I'M NOT KIDDING!”  Screamed Yoni


“You're so funny Yoni…” Ashton said, laughing.


“I’m not being funny” Replied Yoni. “He kidnapped me while I was sleeping in class, he grabbed me and ran!” exclaimed Yoni


Mason then let out a demonic screech and said, “Good.”


 “Good? What do you mean good? He kidnapped me,” Yelled Yoni.


“Yoni’s just a jokester, let's go inside,” Ashton drags Yoni in.


—---------------------------------------------—-A few hours later------------------------------------------------------------


“Where are you taking me?” Asked Yoni.


“Uh, no where,” replied Ashton.


“If we weren’t going anywhere then you wouldn’t have kidnapped me,“ Yoni replied back confused.


“Just don’t worry about it,” said Ashton.


Ashton dragged Yoni down his basement stairs and said, “See? It’s not bad!”


“The only way I’m staying in that basement is if I could draw or play games,” replied Yoni. 


“Well… you don’t have a choice,” Ashton said while throwing Yoni onto a random pillow and walked back up the stairs and shut the door and locked it.  He went and plopped down on the couch. Mason is sitting there watching his Cocomelon. 




“Ok, I never said you did,” said Ashton.


“GOOD,” Mason said demonically. 


Mason then crawled demonically out of the house. He then crawled down the road and ate his neighbor Little Timmy. 

—---------------------------------------------------10 minutes later—------------------------------------------------


Ashton sits on the couch and gets bored so he decides to summon Josh back to earth.  


Josh says, “About time you’ve let me back.”


“Nah,” said Ashton.


Josh was excited to finally eat something other than month old stale cheez-its


—--------------------------------------Wherever Mason is—--------------------------------------------------------


He crawls down the road demonically singing ”La la la la la la la la elmo’s world!”


Ashton literally runs and tackles Mason, he then shrinks himself down and sticks himself into a pill


Because Mason is dumb, he takes the pill with no questioning.  Mason continues to devour neighbors, he ate Billy Bob Joe, Old Man Jenkins, and Jimmy Bob. 


Ashton said, nudging around in Mason's stomach “It’s crowded in here!” 


They hear him say “ LA LA LA LA LA LA LA ELMO'S WORLD!” 


------------------------------------------------------Inside Mason-------------------------------------------------------


Ashton is currently destroying strains of some demonic disease. “How do I get rid of this?! It’s spreading to everyone!” Said Ashton. 


The demonic strand will not die, it is very strong.


Ashton eventually kills the strand. “Now onto the actual demon…” Ashton says, frightened. He starts using dark magic to summon weapons. Ashton is equipped with The Sword of Darkness that looks like this:




Ashton grabs the sword he created and summons a sheathe for the sword. He puts it on his back and sheathes the sword. Then everyone with a weapon gets out of Mason. Ashton begins his journey to the demon.  Ashton comes across Little Timmy. “Hello!”


“Hello sir, were you eaten too?” Said Little Timmy


“Nah, I’m here on purpose, I’m actually off to kill a demon. It’s what’s caused all this mess and got you and others eaten. Would you like to help?”


“Sure!” Replied Little Timmy “Although I don’t have a weapon.” 


Ashton hands Little Timmy a bow and some arrows “This’ll have to do. Do you know how to use a bow?” Ashton asked LT (Little Timmy).


LT nodded. “I was taught in summer camp last year.


“ Perfect.” Replied Ashton


—----------------------------------------------Back with Mason--------------------------------------------------------


Mason then noclips to Josh


 Josh says, “Where is Ashton?’’


Mason replied with, “I don’t know.”


Josh then screeched “Well then bring me some shut armor and some of your Taco Bell Bombs and that's all” 

Mason then went and got the supplies and gave it to Josh

Josh then screeched “Mason will help me get my revenge on Ashton for always locking me in the basement and nocliping into other dimensions”



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