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Mason, Hayden, and Brody are back at the mansion watching the news, “A local Taco Bell has been exploded by an unknown suspect. We have no evidence of who it was. All we know is that we can only take this as a terrorist attack. More at ten.” The news reporter said.


“What have I done…” Said Mason.


“I’m not sure, but I think you should lay low.”


A loud crash is heard.


Brody goes over towards the loud noise.


“Hey Brody!” Said Ashton, he is perfectly fine, somehow.  


“Hi… Ashton.” Brody waved hesitantly.


“Don’t worry, I’m fine!” Reported Ashton.


“Are you sure…?” Brody asked, not really concerned but faking it.


“Yeah!” Replied Ashton, in a good mood.


“You know you’re paying for that repair right?” Brody replied back.


“Really?!” Ashton replied, scared.


“Yes!” Replied Brody.


Josh can be heard yelling from the basement, wanting freedom.


“What is that?” Asked Brody.


“Nothing, nothing.” Replied Ashton, he got up and ran downstairs into the basement.


Hayden turns his head around slowly, then returns to watching what’s now “The Simpsons.” 


-------------------------------------------In the basement---------------------------------------------------------------


Josh is locked in the basement. 


“Food…………” Groaned Josh.


“Alright!” Ashton gives Josh his daily Cheez-It®


Mason walked into the basement and saw Josh tied to a chair. Mason said “How are you out of the hospital?” and then Mason walked out of the basement.


Ashton shoots Mason with a tranquilizer that makes you forget anything that happened in the last five minutes.


---------------------------------------------------25 minutes later-------------------------------------------------------


 Mason wakes up and says “Did I just take a nap on the floor?” Mason thought to himself. “That was a good nap…” 


----------------------------------------------At the school----------------------------------------------------------------


Mason goes to school not knowing it was Saturday. He arrives and tugs on the door. He yells then he gets on a plane going to Mexico. Mason will be back in 3 months. 


—-----------------------------Mason gets back to the house after 3 months—--------------------------------


Hayden says “Did you get arrested again?” Mason replied with “No I went to Mexico, people keep on saying Mira al idiota! Whatever that meant…”


Ashton comes up from the basement wearing a camo hoodie “Oh, hey Mason!” Ashton said, cheerfully. 


“Where’s Brody?” asked Mason. 


“He's outside playing fetch with Arnold the gator.” Ashton told Mason.


“I’m going to go say hey.” Mason said. 




“Hi Brody.” Mason said


 “Where were you Mason?” Asked Brody.


“I’ve been in Mexico.” answered Mason. Mason said “People kept on saying “idiota” to me, also did Rosenkrans say that I'm in trouble for being absent for 3 months? and also a funny story. I'm wanted in Mexico but don’t worry, they don’t know where I am. 


Brody and Mason went inside and they told everyone about Mason’s trip and no one cared because they got a break from Mason. 


Ashton a few minutes later said “Let me go check the basement…” with 9 month old Cheez-its in his hand. And went down into the basement and fed Josh. Ashton said “You should not have said all that stuff that’s why I kidnapped you from the hospital.” 


Josh said “I don't pay rent, that's the only good thing…” And then Josh made a noise so high pitched Mason, Brody and Hayden passed out because of how loud it was.


Ashton was not. Ashton weakly said “I share a house with Mason and Hayden. I have trained my ear’s to be damaged but you made a noise so bad it hurt my ears.” and finally Ashton passed out. 


While Ashton and everyone else was unconscious Josh, the devious man himself, attempted to escape from his chains. But he failed because he’s Josh. So he sits there and eats some stale cheez-its. 


They all woke up.


-------------------------------------------------------9 PM-----------------------------------------------------------------


Ashton is eating some cereal for no apparent reason. He is also watching YouTube on his phone. 


Hayden and Mason are popping some popcorn because they are about to watch a movie on Hulu. 


Brody is on his laptop watching a video for cats called “Mice running around for 10 hours, for playful cats,” Brody is repeatedly swatting at the screen, he is trying to hit the mice. 


Ashton finishes his cereal and goes over to Brody “You know that’s for cats right?” Ashton asked, chuckling.


“I- Uh- Yeah… Totally, I was uh… I misclicked.” Replied Brody, he is six hours into the video.


“Your six hours into the video!” Ashton replied, not believing Brody’s lie.


“Fine… I thought they were real mice, okay?!” Brody replied, he really did think they were real mice. Brody shut his laptop. “I think Hayden and Mason are watching a movie, we should join them.


Ashton is snickering upon hearing that Brody thought they were real mice, “Alright, I wonder what they’re watching…”


Hayden and Mason go and sit on the couch with bowls of popcorn, for some reason they made four bowls even though they were expecting to be the only two watching the movie. 


Brody and Ashton take a bowl of popcorn and sit down with Hayden and Mason. 


“What are you guys gonna watch?” Ashton asked Hayden.


“We’re not sure…” Replied Hayden, he then scrolled through Hulu and ended up putting on Shrek.


“Shrek!” Cheered Mason, Brody, and Ashton.


“Shrek is great.” Said Hayden, joining the group in cheering. 


They become quiet and watch Shrek.


--------------------------------------One hour and thirty minutes later----------------------------------------------




“That was amazing!” Cheered Ashton, because Shrek is great. 


“Shrek!” Yelled Mason, randomly. 


“We love Shrek!” Yelled Hayden.


“So we all agree Shrek is great?” Asked Brody.


Everyone else yelled “Yes!”


“Well I’m pretty tired…” Said Hayden, yawning. “I think I’m going to hit the hay.”


“What did the hay ever do to you?” Asked Ashton.


Hayden looked at Ashton, he wanted to punch him so hard at that moment. But he let it go and went to bed.


Ashton was in a trance from Shrek. He was unblinking. He enjoyed Shrek.


“WAKE UP!” Yelled Mason, to Ashton.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Screamed Ashton, he then got up and ate waffles. Frozen waffles, Straight out of the freezer. 


Mason accidently ate Josh’s dog food for dinner. Mason exclaimed “This tastes weird!” 


Ashton continues eating frozen waffles, deviously.


Brody walks up to Ashton and slaps the frozen waffles out of his hands, “No! Cook them!”


“No! I just won’t eat!” Ashton goes to bed.

 Ashton lays there and contemplates life and yet, continues to devour frozen waffles deviously. 


Ashton decides to go down to the basement.


----------------------------------------------------In the basement------------------------------------------------------


Josh looks at Ashton dead in his eyes, “Free… Me…”


“Eh, why not?” Ashton rises into the air, things floating around him


Josh looks very afraid, “Wh-What is going on?”


“I’m freeing you! Kind of.” Ashton looks at the readers “See the thing is I have to free Josh because we don’t want to get in trouble.” Ashton said, breaking the fourth wall.


“Wh-who are you talking to?” Asked Josh, quite scared.


“Why the readers of course! I have to censor myself or something so you can’t be in the basement, sorry Josh!” Replied Ashton. 


“Readers? You're insane! This isn’t some kind of story written on a google doc! This is real life-”


“SILENCE!” Yelled Ashton, he then used dark magic to send Josh to another 3rd world dimension , he then went back to bed.



               JOSH WILL RETURN

                                           (At some point)                               

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Comments (3)

09 mar 2023

me like food it good i eat super yum

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idiotic stories endorses this message


23 feb 2023

great story

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