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Ashton woke up inside his cell. Ashton was hoping those two idiot’s would not try to break him out. Back over at the mansion Mason and Brody were too late, the cop car was already gone as Mason and Brody ran into Hayden and Hayden said “Where are you guy’s going in such a hurry?” Brody said “Who is this Mason?” 

Mason said “Oh you guys haven’t met, Hayden this is Brody, Brody this is Hayden.”


“Hi Hayden.” said Brody


“Where were you going?” said Hayden

Mason replied “Going to save Ashton from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”


So they all continued to sprint down that street running toward the Federal Prison. 


Mason exclaimed “Lets ask Rosenkrans if he can drive us to the prison!” 


They walked to their teacher’s house Hayden knocked on the door and asked  “Mr. Rosenkrans, may you drive us to the jail?” “WHAT DID YOU DO NOW YOU DUMB-NUTS!” Rosenkrans screamed “Well Ashton was arrested for war-crimes and telling Josh to shut and Josh evaporated” Replied Hayden. Hayden mumbled “By the FBI.” “WHAT DID YOU SAY?!” Rosenkrans yelled. 


|-------------------------------------------------Back at Ashton’s jail cell-----------------------------------------------------|


Ashton paces around his jail cell, questioning his life choices, a guard comes by and escorts Ashton to the lunchroom, the food they are serving is basically slop, because no one really cares about war criminals. Ashton sits down at a one seater table and barely touches his “Food,” as the people serving lunch call it. Eventually Ashton started eating the slop and almost immediately threw up, all over his guard. The guard beats Ashton with his baton and sends him back to his cell. 


Ashton looks angry so he punches the wall, misses and accidentally knocks himself out. When he wakes up he is in the prison's hospital, with a bandage on his head. “What happened?” Ashton said. The person that watched on the camera said “You missed the wall and right hooked yourself don’t ask how but you did.” Then Ashton was walked back to his cell


-------------------------------------------Back at Rosenkrans house-----------------------


Rosekrans said “Fine I will try with my thousands of dollars to get him out only if he never sleeps in my classroom.” 


“Well I can’t make any promises,” Hayden replied. 


—-----------------------------------—-----------Back in Ashtons cell--------------------------------------------------------


Ashtons sentence was increased because it was found out that he was committing tax evasion.


A Guard lets him know this.


“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Ashton yelled so loud Mason and Hayden could hear 


—--------------------------------------—--------Back at the mansion--------------------------------------------------------


Brody went back to the mansion and decided to tame the gator in the lake beside the mansion. 


Brody got some raw meat and lured the gator out of the lake, when the gator came out of the water Brody began to tame the gator. It took about 20 minutes to tame the gator and Brody decided to name the gator Arnold. Brody brought the gator to Rosenkrans house and Brody saw 

Hayden and Mason in his car 

Hayden was driving 


Mason yelled at Brody “GET IN BEFORE ROSENKRANS WAKE UP! And nice gator” 


They drive off to Ashton’s cell. 


When they got to the jail Rosenkrans was there with an angry look. They all got out the car and 


Rosenkrans screamed at them for 12 minutes and then Rosenkran’s got in the car and drove off, Mason said “we could sell the gator” to get enough money to get Ashton out” but Brody has become to attached to the gator Hayden replied Brody exclaimed “Sure”


—---------------------------------------—----Outside the jail-----------------------------------------------------------------


“I’m surprised Ashton hasn’t got his sentence increased by tax evasion” said Hayden


“They didn’t know he already had his sentence increased.” A mysterious voice said



Brody said “Ignore that. We have the gator to give them” 


They walked the gator to the zoo to sell. They made 130,000$ and they gave the money to the FBI and they didn't let Ashton out, his bail is a lot higher than 130,000$ its 1M$ 

They informed us “1M$!” Brody exclaimed  “Nooooooooooooo!” 

He walked to the cell and opened the door. 


Mason said “It's unlocked idiots.” and Mason got electrocuted and the FBI put Mason in the same cell as Ashton. 


----------------------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUED-------------------------------------------------------


                                                                                          (Don’t hate us)

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Comments (2)

Apr 16, 2023

Lalalallala I'm Buttah Dogh


Noone named Avery
Noone named Avery
Feb 22, 2023

It was. better than 2 but worse than one.

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