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Preston attempts to keep Ashton, but fails.


Ashton tears himself out of Preston.


“So that’s how you want it to be?!” Yelled Preston, angrily.


Ashton weakly looks Preston in the eyes, he then charges at him, punching him in the face.


Preston angrily punches Ashton in the gut.


Ashton falls onto his back, “Plea-”


Preston suddenly falls over


“Wha-” Said Ashton, confused.


Ashton can see Mason’s silhouette behind Preston, as he drops a large wooden board.


Mason then attempts to eat Preston, but he tastes like tomatoes, Mason does not like tomatoes.


Mason stretches out a hand for Ashton.


Ashton grasps his hand and accidentally breaks it, he then gets up on his own.


Mason wraps a rat around his hand to use as a cast.


Ashton kicks Prestons body.


-------------------------------------A few hours later, back at the mansion--------------------------------------


Ashton has wrapped himself in a Markiplier blanket, as he rocks back and forth.


“I don’t think he’s doing well.” Said Hayden.


“Yeah… It seems the whole possession thing got to him.” Says Brody.


Mason is eating cat food.


“Maybe Mason could help.” Said Hayden.


“Hey Maso- Where’d you get that? We don’t even have a cat- Oh nevermind, you think you could help Ashton?”


Mason walks over to Ashton and steals his toe nails, then walks away.


Ashton does not react.


“Should we do something?” Brody asks Hayden, concerned.


“Nah.” Hayden sits down and plays Rust.


Ashton stands up, with a blank expression.


“H-Hello…” Said Brody, still worried.


Ashton walked to Brody emotionless and slowly.


“What are you doing?” Brody asked Ashton.


“He’s coming for us.” Ashton whispered into Brody’s ear.


“Wha- Who’s coming?!” Brody said.


Ashton walked over to Hayden and said the same.


“What do you mean by He’s coming?” Hayden asked.


Ashton walked over to Mason and picked him up by the hair on his neck as if he were a dog or cat.


“He’s coming for us.” Ashton said to Mason.


Mason bites Ashton’s nose causing Ashton to drop him.


Mason then scrambled away and jumped out the open kitchen window.


Brody brought Ashton a wet paper towel.


“What happened?” Ashton asked Brody.


“What do you mean?” Brody asked Ashton.


“What do you think!?” Ashton yelled at Brody.


“So you really forgot what happened within the span of 2 minutes.” Brody said to Ashton.


Brody explained everything that had just happened.


“What were you talking about anyways?” Brody asked.


“I’m not sure.” Ashton answered to Brody.


Mason goes to the doctor's office.


-------------------------------------------------The Doctors Office---------------------------------------------------


Mason walks in and sits down.


After a few minutes he’s called in.


The doctor gives Mason a checkup.


Mason is acting like a civilized gremlin for once.


The doctor walks away and comes back a few minutes later, “Mason, we have some bad news.”


“What…?” Said Mason, confused,


“You have stage three inoperable lung idiocy.” Said the doctor.


“IDIOCY?! I HAVE IDIOCY?!” Mason screamed, upset.


“There are treatment options, but they’re expensive.” Said the doctor.


“A-Alright…” Said Mason.


The doctor walks away.


Mason leaves, he doesn’t have enough money to pay for the treatment.


--------------------------------------------------A few hours later--------------------------------------------------


Mason walks back to the mansion, and enters sadly.


“What’s wrong, Mason?” Asks Hayden.


“Oh uh… Nothing.” Mason lies.


Mason brings Hayden into his room.


“What is it, Mason?” Asks Hayden


“Well, you see, I went to the doctor and… I have stage three inoperable lung idiocy.” Replied Mason, solemnly.


“Stage three?!” Replied Hayden, surprised.


“Yeah… And I can’t afford treatment.” Mason replied.


“Oh…” Said Hayden.


“I… I have an idea…" Said Mason.


“What if we ask Brody or Ashton for money?” Hayden said.


“We all share a bank account, Hayden, if I’m broke then so are the rest of us.” Mason responds.


“Ah, so what’s your idea, Mason?” Hayden asked, nervous.


“We’re… We’re gonna cook Elmo…” Mason responded, scared.


Cook Elmo. You sure you can do this?” Hayden responded to Mason’s plan.


“Well… I passed by the Elmo Enforcement Administration who were cleaning up a busted Elmo Lab, even operations that small were making millions of dollars!” Mason responded.


“B-But it’s illegal!” Hayden answered.


“It’ll be fine, we just need to inform Brody and Ashton about it.” Mason responded to Hayden’s panic.


“OK then.” Hayden responded.


“Now, if we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do it right.” Said Mason, cracking his knuckles.


“Alright.” Said Hayden.


“I’ll go tell Brody and you’ll go tell Ashton.” Mason said.


—--------------------------------------------------Brody’s room—------------------------------------------------


“Hey Brody.” Mason said.


“Oh hey Mason.” Brody responded.


“I’ve got some bad news.” Mason said.


“What’s going.” Brody answered.


“Well I have stage three inoperable lung idiocy.” Mason said.


“Stage three!” Brody yell’s.


“Yes and to get the money to pay for the cure’s we have to illegally make Elmo dolls.” Mason responded to Brody’s concern.


“Why does this involve me then?” Brody asked.


“Because we need your help to make them and sell them.” Mason responded.


“Then I’ll help.” Brody responded.


—----------------------------------------------Ashton’s room—-----------------------------------------------------


“Hey Ashton, I have some news.” Hayden said as he walked into Ashton’s room.


“Oh hey Hayden, what’s the new’s you have for me?” Ashton asked.


“Well Mason sort of has stage three inoperable lung idiocy” Hayden said.


“Stage three?!” Ashton panicked.


“Yes, but we have a plan for us to get the money for Mason’s cure.” Hayden responded to Ashton’s panic.


“And what would that plan be?” Ashton asked, intrigued.


“Well we’re going to make Elmo dolls illegally.” Hayden responded to Ashton.


“Won’t you get sued by Disney?” Asked Ashton.


“Probably not.” Replied Hayden.


“Alrighty then, I’m in.” Said Ashton.


------------------------------------------------The living room—----------------------------------------------------


“It looks like we’re all here.” Mason said.


“Yeah, but how are we going to get the stuff to make Elmo dolls?” Hayden asked.


“Hmm… What if we steal some materials from a factory?” Asked Mason.


“That’s too sane for my liking,” Said Ashton, “What if instead we find an alternate universe where life is a DnD campaign and then go on a long journey to find the boss Elmo, eliminate him, take the materials, and then we make counterfeit Elmo dolls.” Suggests Ashton.


“That sounds really… Interesting… What if-” Brody said before being interrupted by Ashton.


“We’re doing this.” Said Ashton, without giving a choice. He then pulls out a tablet, and starts scrolling through universes, while he’s scrolling through, there’s one labeled “Mason Bad,” he scrolls past.


Ashton lands on a universe, “This one kind of looks like a DnD campaign.” 


“A what-” Said Brody before disappearing.


Ashton pressed a button on the tablet that sent them to the universe.


That’s the end!  

TerribleNot greatGoodGreatIdioticly Amazing!
Comments (1)

mario wonder or something idk

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