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                                                                  WELCOME TO THE IDIOTIC DICTIONARY 



Shmack - To smack someone very hard; with great force


N’t after any word - To make a word the opposite of itself or the negative version; not positive. Example: Yesn’t = no        Non’t = yes


Demonic screech - The sound someone makes when they’re angry, annoyed, sad, or another negative emotion; a very high pitched screech.


Demonic crawl - The signature crawl of a possessed human. The human limbs invert.


Your mother - An interesting insult used only by Ashton, it's derived from the “yo mama” jokes; a very poor joke made by Ashton.


Backrooms - The backrooms are considered a place that you end up when reality has corrected an irregularity while someone was inside the zone of this irregularity  .   


Josh - Monke, an epic side character and very devious kid; Josh is a friend in real life


*insert fight scene here* - just close your eyes and visualize a epic fight scene; Imaginary fight


Cheeserooms - A giant block of cheese with mazes all inside, with giant dangerous rats inside. Very yum yum cheese.


a sub that has lettuce and spinach dressed with honey mustard - Ashton's favorite thing from subway; otherwise known as the Ashsub


Ohio - A very goofy place; just look up ohio lore


Ohio resident - very silly goofy person; super weird person 


Pirate Legend - A prestige a player reaches in the game, Sea Of Thieves; get level 50 in all reputations.

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