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                            Ashton is eating a sub that has lettuce and spinach dressed with honey mustard. “Hey guys, since this is the tenth volume we should do something exciting!”


Brody looked at Ashton extremely confused, “Volume? What are you talking about?”


Hayden looks concerned, “Wh- Ashton did you drink more than three cups of coffee again?”


Ashton looks like he said something he shouldn’t have, “Uhh, I was just joking!”


Brody and Hayden laugh.


Ashton picks up a glass of orange juice.


Mason literally hops out of the glass.


“AH! How did you do that,” Ashton exclaimed in shock, “MASON WERE YOU READING MY DARK MAGIC BOOKS AGAIN?!”


Mason is floating in the air, “No……….” Mason said, not sounding very sure of himself. 


“Mason, you're clearly lying,” Ashton said, “Why are you reading those books? They’re beyond what your small brain can comprehend!” 


Mason looked at Ashton spitefully, “Wh- My brain isn’t small!”


Mason then yelled at Ashton, ”I CAN SUMMON UNLIMITED V-BUCKS!”


Ashton looks utterly horrified, “OH DEAR LORD!” 


Hayden stands up and steals the books from Mason, returning them to Ashton. 


Mason falls from the air and hits head.


Ashton laughs and starts flipping through his spell book, landing on a spell that would decorate the mansion for Christmas, “Here it is! This spell should decorate this place a bit, make it a bit more festive that's for sure…”


“That's an oddly specific spell,” Hayden said, “Why does that even exist?”


Ashton looks at Hayden and laughs, “Because my feeble minded friend, your mother.”


Hayden looks at Ashton with a blank expression, “Fair point.”


Ashton performs the spell and the entire mansion is decorated with Markiplier Merchandise




Josh is using his degree in cheese science to develop a machine that removes him from the cheese rooms.


----------------------------------------------Back at the mansion----------------------------------------------------


Ashton is thinking about what they should do, “We should go volunteer at a soup kitchen!”


Hayden looks at Ashton, “Soup kitchen? Why should we do that? I don’t even like soup!”


Ashton laughs, “The soup isn’t for us! It’s for people who can’t afford to eat!” 


Mason looks confused, “Well, how much do they pay?”


Ashton now seems slightly annoyed, “It’s volunteer work! They don’t pay us!” 


Brody comes downstairs, “What’s going on guys?”


Ashton looks over at Brody, “We’re gonna volunteer at a soup kitchen!”


“Well we’re being forced, really,” Hayden muttered 


Ashton looks over at Hayden, “What was that?”


Hayden looks up, “Nothing, nothing…”


Ashton finishes his sandwich and hops up, “Welp, everyone bundle up! We’re headed to the soup kitchen!”


Hayden looks at Ashton, “Do we have to-”


“Yes,” Ashton interrupted, “We’re gonna do something good for others!” 


“Aw man…” Said Mason, disappointed. 


Everyone bundles up, and Ashton orders an Uber to take them to the local soup kitchen.


--------------------------------------------The soup kitchen----------------------------------------------------------


The group enters the soup kitchen


“Alright! Looks like we sign up to volunteer over there,” Ashton said pointing to the right, “I’ll sign us up! You guys stay here while I do that.” Ashton walks over to the sign up sheet and writes down everyone's name.


Mason looks around, “Why does Ashton want us to do this?”


“No idea,” Replied Hayden, “But we should probably just stay, he scares me.”


Ashton returns, “Alright, I signed us all up as cooks!”


Mason seems concerned, “Ashton, the last time you ‘cooked’ it ended us all up in federal prison.”


Ashton laughs, “Anyways, let's get in the kitchen!” Ashton walks into the kitchen and the rest of the group follow.


Brody groans.


----------------------------------------A few hours later-------------------------------------------------------------- 


The group is tirelessly making soup. 


“Can we take a break now?” Asked Mason.


“Why not? We’ve been working quite hard.” Replied Ashton.


Hayden and Brody high five.


Ashton summons a couch and TV and the gang sits down and watches some TV.


---------------------------------------------Some time later-----------------------------------------------------------


The group finishes watching TV and the soup kitchen is about to close.


“That was a funny show!” Exclaimed Mason


“Yeah!” Exclaimed Hayden


“Looks like this place is about to close!” Said Ashton, before removing the couch and TV and leaving the soup kitchen.


The rest of the group followed after. 

-------------------------------------------Back at the mansion-------------------------------------------------------


The group arrives at the mansion, it's heavily snowing. 


They enter the mansion and shortly after they get snowed in.


“Uh oh.” Said Mason, before lighting the fireplace.


Ashton put on a markiplier hoodie and started heating up some burritos. He grabs the burrito out of the microwave and stuffed the burrito into his pocket and chugged smartwater. He collapsed not knowing he was drinking smartwater from the dark web. 


Mason heard the thud of him falling and Mason ran down the stairs 


“NOT THIS AGAIN!” and Mason jumped on Ashton and forced the water out of his system, he turned on the vacuum shoved the tube down Ashton’s throat, sucking up all the water.



That’s the end!  

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