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  Ashton sits down and Josh sits beside him, “But like- HOW?”


“I got lost,” Said Josh,“It’s a really big closet!”


          Ashton begins yelling confused, “I CAN BARELY FIT A T-SHIRT IN THAT CLOSET!”


“When did I ask,” Brody yelled.




“Sorry, what was I saying before I was,” Ashton took a deep breath, “RUDELY INTERRUPTED!” Ashton said 


“How small the closet was...” Josh replied




Mason then walks in the room and screeches and then leaves the room. 


“Okay?” Ashton said, “Anyway, as I was sayin- Wait hold on” Ashton said while charging Mason 

Ashton tackled Mason down the stairs and starts using force on his head


Ashton walks back up the stairs and has a bite mark on him. Mason bit him…


“What happened?” Josh asked 


“Oh this?”  Ashton pointed at the mark “Yeah, Mason bit me just then.”  


           Mason then charged in the room and accidently tackled Josh, and fell down the 2 story house, Mason then crawled back up through the window and said 


 “Oops wrong person.” 


Mason then tackled the right person ( Ashton ) right out the window. Ashton started getting angry and shmacked Mason's bald head. 


Mason says, grabbing his head, “OW, YOU DONUT!”


Ashton shmacked him again


Mason then exclaimed “Enough!”


Mason then swallowed Ashton


“We are not doing this again!” Ashton yelled. He used the sword of darkness to get out of Mason’s stomach. 


While this is happening Yoni sneaks out of the basement. Only to run into Brody.


Brody looks at Yoni intimidatingly, or as intimidating as Brody can look, which isn't that intimidating. 


Yoni pushes Brody. 


Brody then summons a chipmunk that suckerpunches Yoni in his stomach which sends him back down the stairs. The chipmunk shuts the door, locks it, and existn’t 

“I have one last option,” Yoni says as he gets ready to go super saiyan. He fails and falls down, breaking his big toe. He then proceeds to scream in pain as if anyone is listening.


Ashton sits inside the couch. “This is relaxing…”


Mason stares at Ashton very confused. “HOW DID YOU EVEN- I JUST WANTED TO WATCH TV!” 


Ashton stares at Mason menacingly, whilst eating a taco. 


“What are you looking at?!” Ashton yells angrily.


Mason proceeds to sit on Ashton and watch spongebob


The music hypnotizes him but Ashton shmacked Masons neck and makes him snap out of it. 


Ashton gets out of the couch and goes to heat up another taco, he comes back and Mason is nowhere to be seen.


Ashton looks over and sees his big forehead peeking from behind the tv stand.


“I see you.” Ashton said making the -_- face


Mason jumps at Ashton only to trip and fall, Ashton then gets back in his couch and eats his taco. Mason then gets up and throws a chair at Ashton 


Ashton’s head turns 180° and grabs Mason by his big toe 


Mason starts yelling “NO, NO, NO, PLEASE DON’T TICKLE ME!” 


Ashton then started screaming “I’M NOT GONNA TICKLE YOU I’M GONNA PUT YOU INSIDE THE COUNTER!” Ashton then proceeded to get out of the couch and place Mason inside a solid granite countertop. He then sat inside the couch once more and relaxed whilst playing some video games.


-------------------------------------------------At the school----------------------------------------------------------


Meanwhile at school, where the rest of them should be, Brody has entered Mr. Rosenkrans room and is playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on Mr. Rosenkrans’ PS4. 


Josh (Who has just recently come back to school) is doing the summative that Brody should be doing. He remembers the conversation he and Brody had a few minutes ago. 


-------------------------------------------------5 minutes ago---------------------------------------------------------


Brody was doing his test but he got up.


Josh looks at him and whispers, “What are you doing?”


Brody looks at Josh and responds, “I don’t need to do some silly old test! I’m too smart for tests! Plus Mr. Rosenkrans hasn’t been here for half an hour!”


This was because Mr. Rosenkrans had eaten Taco Bell the night before.


Josh looks at Brody, “These tests are 60% of your grade! You can’t just abandon it!”


Brody laughs, “Sure I can! I am Brody! This isn’t even real! We’re just made of versions of our real world counterparts! THIS IS ALL JUST A PAGE ON A WEBSITE!” 


Josh looks at Brody worried, “Did you take your antipsychotics today?”


Brody laughs once more, “Of course not! I don’t need those silly old things!”


Josh looks blankly at Brody, “That explains it.”




Brody sits in his chair shaking uncontrollably.


Hayden walks in and sees Brody. 


Hayden walks over to Brody


Brody stands up and barks at Hayden, viciously 


Hayden looks at Brody with a look of pure confusion, “Wh- Brody! Did you take your antipsychotics today?!”


Brody looks at Hayden, “I don’t need them anymore!” 


Hayden sighs and sits down.


Ashton is nowhere to be seen.


Mr. Rosenkrans returns and sits down at his desk.


Mason walks into the room surprisingly normally, mason then exclaimed, “Those things inside the antipsychotic’s canister made me feeeeeel goooooood.”


Followed by Brody screaming “I'M THE ALPHA NOW MASON”


Hayden then said “ight imma head out”


 Then Mr. Rosenkrans closed the door and said “Hayden! You can’t just leave class!” 


Hayden looked disappointed “Aw…”


Mason then said, calmly, “Brody chill out”


Brody then screamed, “I AM REFRIGERATED!”


Hayden then exclaimed, “......Shut” 


And the Mason noclipped to the cheeserooms


Hayden then exclaimed, “I did not know I could do that!”


Ashton suddenly falls through the roof into his seat, “I’m here! Also full disclosure I sent Mason to the cheeserooms.


Hayden then screamed, “NOOOOO frick I thought I did 


—--------------------------—At the cheese rooms-------------------------------------------


Mason is eating the entirety of the cheeserooms like the rat he is. 


He then runs across Josh.


Josh is eating cheese, “Hello Mason! How are you?” 


“I’m fine! This cheese is really good,” Replied Mason, “How long have you been here?” .




Josh then says quietly, “Uh Oh, The rats are coming.”


Mason exclaims “WHAT??!?!?!”


Then 2 giant rats appear and one grabs Josh and throws Josh into a piece of cheese knocking him unconscious, Mason then runs off.


—--------------—---------------------Back at the school-----------------------------------------------------------


Ashton is eating an entire footlong sub from Subway.


Mr. Rosenkrans looks at Ashton, “Why.”




That’s the end!  


(This is how we end volumes now, Idiotic Stories has not ended.)

TerribleNot greatGoodGreatIdioticly Amazing!

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