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Mason wakes up in a strange black void, and thinks, “What’s the big idea?”  


Suddenly, a large orb of a bright light approaches Mason, and asks him, “Do you know why you're here?”


Mason shakes his head no, “I don’t know, sir. In fact, I feel that I know very little about anything.” Mason responded.


The orb makes a noise similar to a chuckle, “I see, well your goal is to figure out everyones burning question, What’s the big idea?


“I see,” Responded Mason, “I shall do my best.”


And with that, the orb sends Mason to Earth to figure out what the big idea is.


Mason explores around a bit, before coming across a middle school, “Hm… Maybe if I were to pose as a student I could learn more about this world and possibly, the big idea!” Said Mason.


Mason enters through the front doors of the school, “Hello, one education please.” He said to the lady in the front office.


The lady stares at Mason, before laughing a little, “Where are your parents?”

Mason stares contemplatively, “...The store!” He finally said after a few minutes of silence.


The lady stares at Mason, “...Okay? Where’s your backpack? Or supplies?”

Mason runs out, “One second!”

The lady has an extremely confused look on her face.


Mason is desperately trying to figure out where to get a backpack and supplies. He decides to sneak into a Walmart, he grabs some school supplies and walks up to the cashier, “Can I get this stuff please?”

“Sure,” Responded the cashier, “Where’s your parents?” 


“They’re uhh… Shopping?” Responded Mason, sounding unsure.


The cashier nods suspiciously, “Sure… That’ll be $52.27.”

“Dollars?” Asked Mason, confused.


“Y’know, money.” Responded the cashier, sarcastically.


“...Yeah! Money! I totally understand what that is!” Mason said, with a hesitant tone in his voice, he then proceeded to grab all the stuff he was going to buy and run off, causing the alarm to go off, though he manages to get away by hiding in a dumpster until security stops trying.


Mason packs all the supplies into the backpack, then returns to the school, “Now can I receive an education?” 


The lady looks over at Mason, “Hello again, I guess you have the supplies… Can I at least get your name?” Asked the lady.


“Mason. Mason Cooper.” Responded Mason.


“...Okay then… Come back tomorrow, y’know, when school is in session.” Responded the lady.


Mason exits the school and goes back to the dumpster he was hiding in, “I guess this’ll do, I can use the trash as a pillow!”


And with that Mason lays down in the dumpster, and falls asleep.




That’s the end! 


An Idiotic Stories Production

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Comments (13)

The shadow wizard the IV
The shadow wizard the IV
Oct 05, 2023



Avery Phillips
Avery Phillips
Sep 29, 2023

Im holding Mason in captivity


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Finn Storr
Finn Storr
May 11, 2023

slay mason

Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper
Sep 20, 2023
Replying to

so slay


Apr 16, 2023

Dr.Navardio Coming SOON!!

Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper
Sep 20, 2023
Replying to


Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper
Sep 20, 2023
Replying to

get rights koid


Mar 09, 2023



Raine Balifff
Raine Balifff
Feb 14, 2023

googoo gaga, im a baby


Feb 13, 2023

great amazing spin off

Michael Hydrick
Michael Hydrick
Feb 16, 2023
Replying to

thank you more coming soon

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