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LT jumps out of an ear and onto the floor and lays down Ashton. 


“WAKE UP,” LT said LTly.


Ashton opens his eyes and looks around groaning in pain. He sits up and says “Hey LT, thanks for helping me.”  Ashton stands up and uses dark magic to turn them back to normal size. They then start working together to wake Mason back up so they can tell him everything that happened in his empty head. Ashton slaps the heck out of Mason.


 Mason wakes up and yells, “TACO BELL BOMB!”  Not being aware of his whereabouts.


Josh busted the door open to the house, and maniacally yelled, “WhErE!” 


Mason sat up in panic and said “UHH BOLOGNE!” and got up and ran, luckily Ashton had his Mason taser and he tazed Mason. He hit the ground flopping like a fish, Ashton released the button and Mason snapped out of it he said “*insert taser noise here*- oh hi guys” Mason then ran home and saw the tv and reached for the on button, Ashton tackled him knowing his favorite episode of Elmo is still on.


“OUCHIE!” Mason yelled


“NO, MASON NO!” Ashton yelled at Mason 


Ashton smashed the TV to pieces,  Ashton yelled at Mason “NO MORE TV, NO MORE ELMO!” 


“But- b-bb-but!” Mason mumbled 


“NO!” Ashton yelled


Now they have no TV which means Mason can’t watch Elmo anymore. 


Mason then started throwing a temper tantrum like a child (Which he is,) and Ashton hit him with a pot which gave him a little scratch. 


Mason stopped and it was almost like he was normal.


“I need to go somewhere to get away from all this for a bit.” Ashton pulls out a book and turns it to a spell, he then performs said spell. Summoning a door, which leads to a void. Ashton opens the door and enters the void, the door disappearing behind him. 


Hayden watched all of this, and is very scared for his life.


Mason is so angry he storms off, no one took his phone, which has Hulu on it, which has Elmo. 


Hayden hears a very familiar sound, it  sounded like the Elmo theme song. Hayden ran up stairs and punched Mason's phone across the room.

A portal opens up under Josh that leads to the backrooms, and since Josh was too busy calculating 1+1 he can not react fast enough. The portal swallows him and closes. He comes face to face with entity 666, A tall pale man with claws and no eyes.  Josh sprinted faster than usain bolt and saw a slide which he went down and he saw a smiler (entity 3) 


-----------------------------------------------------------In the void------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ashton is on a beach in the void sipping a gatorade (Lemon Lime) whilst watching void fish swim around. 


He says to himself “ahhhh, so relaxing!”


He starts getting tired and falls asleep. He wakes up and the void is gone. He is in Walmart laying in the milk on the floor with no idea how he got here.


He looks to his right and sees Mason staring at him 


Mason asks “Ashton, are you actually okay?”


Ashton replies “ I dunno, I guess I summoned myself in milk and was just imagining paradise.”


Ashton gets up and runs to the frozen burritos and grabs a cart on the way. He starts to shovel them in the cart. All the burritos are gone and Ashton is in line to checkout. Ashton decides to just run out and steal them, which he did. Ashton slams through the front door and brings his burritos to his room. 


He starts to eat one when Hayden comes in and slaps the burrito across the room


 Ashton opens the floor below Hayden, making him fall through. Ashton doesn’t care, he grabs another one of the 1283 burritos he stole- I mean bought. He turns around and switches on the TV and begins to watch Markiplier.


Whilst being chased  by multiple entities, Josh makes it to the next level, level 1, Dullers, adult Facelings, Hounds, Skin-Stealers, and Scratchers roam this level.

—---------------------------------------At the house----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ashton eats his burrito whilst watching Markiplier. He ran out of burritos and now bro is eating corn. He grabbed a can of corn and started chugging corn. 


Mason opened the door and yelled “BRO IS EATING CORN!” and tackled the corn out of Ashtons hand.  


Ashton used force on Mason’s face


Mason started crying “Imbecile.” Ashton muttered under his breath, 


“Now there is corn on my Markiplier blanket…”   Ashton said  


Ashton got up and made an attempt to throw Mason out of his second story windows but Mason kept wiggling around and got out of Ashtons arms.


Mason decides to give up and exit Ashton’s room


Ashton hears a rattling from his closet. “What the-” Says Ashton, confused. He decides to walk over the closet and open it. 


Josh falls out of the very small closet. “Hello!” Says Josh. “I got lost.”


“HOW DID YOU- HuH- WHAT?!” Ashton said, very confused



TerribleNot greatGoodGreatIdioticly Amazing!

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