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“What was that noise?” Mason exclaimed.


 Ashton uses his dark magic to appear and he says, “Oh nothing I just sent Josh to an utterly terrifying place.” 


“Okay but I bet it's not as scary as Hayden’s search history…” Mason replied. 


Ashton vanishes then appears in the dimension he sent Josh to, “How ya doin Joshy Boy?” 


“NoT gOoD!” Josh says as he trembles in fear. 


“Okay bye bye.” Ashton says. 


Josh screams “WHAT ABOUT MY CHEEZ-ITS?!”


--------------------------------------------------------Back at the house-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ashton appears and starts making a sandwich.


“Did you just teleport?” Asked Mason.


“Uhh… No, I just took off my camo hoodie.” Replied Ashton.


“Oh okay.” For some idiotic reason, Mason believes this.


Then about five minutes later Mason starts making demonic screeching sounds after eating a bad taco.


Ashton runs in to the room that Mason was in and sees that Mason is listening to Polish Dancing Cow while eating bad taco 


Ashton screams “This is honestly a bop.” Ashton gets down on all fours and starts doing The Polish Dancing Cow dance 


Mason says “I will be back by around nine PM."


Ashton follows Mason, still doing the dance.


Mason goes into a dark alley and starts singing the Polish Dancing Cow song and then a HUGE cow doing the Polish cow comes out of the ground and starts chasing Mason.


Ashton looks at the dancing cow, “I challenge you to a polish dancing cow challenge!” 


Mason looks at Ashton and thinks “What have I created…?”


Ashton gets on all fours and at the speed of light he Polish Cow Dances. 


The cow can’t keep up with Ashton and drops dead. 


Ashton takes the cow home and makes everyone steak.


Everyones at the kitchen table eating the steak.


“This was a polish cow.” Said Ashton.


“That’s cool.” Replied Brody. 


Mason pulls out a loud speaker and starts playing the Polish Dancing Cow song at 100% volume.


Everyone does the Polish Dancing Cow dance while eating steak and they’re mesmerized so much they’re sent into a trance for an hour, breakdancing with steak.


 “Polish Dancing Cow yes.“  Said Ashton.


—---------------------—------------------------The Next day----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


They are all now out of the trance. After they wake up 


Ashton says “Polish c- what happened?”


Mason then let out a demonic scream that sounded like this


Then somehow got into the same dimension as Josh, Ashton had sent him to the same realm as Josh for letting out that blood curdling scream. Mason reappeared with a terrified look on his face. 


Ashton says “Scary there, isn't it?”


Mason then remembers that he is not human and goes to the dimension and gives Josh stale cheez-its, and then Mason returns and demonically crawls to the speaker and eats the speaker because he was going insane from Ashton listening to Polish Dancing Cow. Ashton starts playing Polish Dancing Cow louder, and louder, and louder 


Mason then started hearing Polish Dancing Cow coming from his stomach 


Ashton goes over to Mason and turns him into a human “It’s just a prank bro,” 




Then he remembers he made Ashton like the Polish Dancing Cow then crawled demonically out of the house and threw up Arnold the alligator.


Ashton pulls out the infinity gauntlet and snaps, making Mason go back to normal and love the Polish Dancing Cow, it also makes him human, Ashton then realizes he hasn’t been to school for four months and rushes to school.


Mason exclaimed “I am not sure I’m human but I must go to school.”


When they get to school they see Brody, Mason screams “OH HI BRODY I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU IN A WHILE!” 


Ashton says “Brody we have not been to school for 4 months”


Brody replies “where is Hayden?”


Ashton says “I don't know”


—-----------------------------------------------BACK AT THE HOUSE—-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Hayden wakes up and looks around, he is very confused and there's a Polish Dancing Cow. He then starts breakdancing and demonically crawls to school and proceeds to devour innocent zucchini. He then lets out a scream that sounds like “hbdwhbjwhkfjgwygfwetuyfy!” because he drank the darkwater. He then devours more zucchini and tracks down the other 3 and eventually finds and eats them. 


Ashton starts breakdancing in Hayden’s stomach. Brody is also very on dark web smartwater and breakdances, and so is Mason. Hayden throws all the zucchini up and they all run except the 3. Hayden crawls off into the sunset, demonicly .



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