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Ashton looks through a notebook in his room and figures out how to undelete his door, he then exits his room.


Mason, Brody, and Hayden all see Ashton, shocked. 


“You’re back!” Exclaimed Mason


“Where were you?!” Questioned Brody, concerned.


“Well you see-” Ashton explains everything that happened.


“You're an idiot, you know that?” Said Hayden.


“I know,” Said Ashton, “Anyways, where’s my spellbook?” Asked Ashton


Mason had gotten ahold of Ashton’s spellbook and has started doing random spells


He summons a ouija board and says “I’ve used one of these weird word things in Ashton's book.”


“Oh hey look Mason summoned a ouija board using Ashtons spell book.” Brody said excitedly.


For some strange and unknown reason Ashton out of thin air says “Hey guys I’ve got a great idea lets go to the world's most haunted hotel and use the ouija board.”


“Yeah sure that sounds like a great idea.” Brodys says excitedly being the one in the group that grew up watching horror movies.


Mason and Hayden agree hesitantly.


—---------------------------------------------At the haunted hotel—------------------------------------------------


“Well here we are at the Mizpah Hotel.” Brody said excitedly.


“Hi, what can I do for you today boys.” said the front desk.


“Can we get a room on the most haunted floor pls?” said Ashton.


“It’s your lucky day we have one room left on the 5th floor.” said the front desk.


Ashton, Brody, Hayden, and Mason grab their key and head to the room.


“I feel very at home here,” Says Mason.


“Why is that?” Asked Hayden.


“Because I feel demonic presences!” Replied Mason, excitedly.


“...Why did I ask you…?” Said Hayden, slightly disturbed.


Ashton is sitting on a chair, thinking about stuff. 


Brody takes out a ouija board and starts playing it.


Ashton joins Brody and makes contact with a spirit, that identifies itself as “Corrupted”


Ashton is intrigued and asks a question, “How did you get here?” He asks it, it falls silent.


Suddenly, Ashton falls to the ground, transforming into his corrupted counterpart, with void black eyes,


A confused Brody calls for Mason.


Mason sprints up the stairs and sees him lying on the ground with pixels of his skin gone.


Ashton lays there shaking violently and goes “what’s the big idea?”


Mason replies “I don't know but I will soon!"


Corrupted Ashton sinks into the floor.


Mason then started sniffing the floor and found out that Ashton no longer existed in the current timeframe but he left his spell book so he was summoned back.


 However he is still shaking aggressively. 


“WHY DID THAT HAPPEN?” asked Hayden.


Mason then finally stopped sniffing the floor then Mason’s limbs started inverting followed with Mason demonically crawling down the halls. 


All while he was screaming “LICKITY LICKITY LICK,” Followed by a “TICKLE TICKLE!!!”


Brody runs down the hall following Mason.


Hayden by himself decides to open Brody’s bag and finds salt and decides that he would grab his stuff, put it on the bed, pour salt around the bed (Salt keeps spirits away), and sit on the bed.




“MASON WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO?!” Brody screamed.


Brody decided to think like Mason and demonically



Mason heard the footsteps and then galloped to Brody and sat there because he forgot, so Brody quickly kicked Mason in the eye and down the hall, Mason’s vision started to go blurry.


Brody continued to chase after Mason’s now pinball like body.


Mason got angry and made Brody noclip into the cheeserooms with him.


Brody, confused, ran and hid in one of the hole’s in the cheese.


Then the only entity in the cheeserooms appeared. It was a huge rat that chased Mason and grabbed his head and threw Mason through 50 walls of cheese.


Brody heard the commotion and like the idiot he was, he ran towards the noise.


The rat knowing Brody was an easy meal charged at Brody, Brody thinking he was an EPIC GAMER charged back at the rat. 


Brody head butted the rat and got knocked out.


The rat started laughing but before the rat could consume Brody, Mason was not possessed so Mason found another wanderer and sacrificed it to the rat, then the rat let Brody and Mason out of the cheeserooms.


Brody, happy to be out of the cheeserooms, turned to Mason and bit him, letting some of the remaining demon into him following with the rest of the demon entering him causing him to be possessed by the demon.


Ashton’s corrupted self seeps from the ceiling, forming into himself, “Hello!” Says Corrupted Ashton, in a low, distorted tone.

“H-Hello, A-Ashton…” Said Brody


“I AM NOT ASHTON ANYMORE! I. AM. P̸͔̖̲̠͍͚͇͂̒̽̑̇͊̄́̉Ṟ̵̢̧̺̭̗̻̬̪̠̱͚͕̣̇́́̾̈́͐͆̒͛̽̀̌̈́͘Ê̵̡̨̧̟̘̱̮̖̗͓̪̽̽͌̇͆̇̀̈́͝͝Ṣ̷̛̖͗̃͂̓̉͋̃̉̀͌̚T̵̥̳̳̬̬̑̐͑̌̀̚̕Ő̸̩̩̜̈́̋͐̈͂̆̿̎N̸̢̮̥̖͉̺͓̙̝̂͐̊͆̋̐!̶̲̣͂̒͑͑” Said Corrupted Ash- I mean Preston.


“Why just why is your alter ego Preston?” Brody said ignoring the fact that Ashton is corrupted.


Ashton punches Brody and falls back over onto the ground, he begins to stroke again. The ceiling absorbs him back up. 


Hayden is playing Rust, a survival game where you spawn on a beach and slowly progress to get more stuff and a base.


Preston breaks into the Rust servers and corrupts all the servers, he then returns to the hotel.


Mason is eating the carpet.


Brody comes back to his senses, “Did anyone feed the Mason?”


“No I’ve been playing Rus-” Hayden gets disconnected from the game and is unable to reconnect.




“It’s just a game-” Said Brody


“IT'S MORE THAN A GAME, BRODY! IT’S LIFE! THIS GAME IS LIFE!” Interrupted Hayden, clearly upset.


Brody calms Hayden down then feeds Mason.


Mason proceeds to use a trash compactor to destroy evidenc- I mean trash.


Preston then comes out of the TV as if it were never there.


Just then room service came in.


“Now who do you think you are making all this noise. Y’all are so loud that I had to come up here and deal with my own complaint.” said room service.


Preston ran to room service but she was too quick and pulled out her shoe and started beating Preston.


Preston was just barely alive and sank through the floor.


“What just happened?” Hayden said, confused.


“How did you manage to beat Preston almost to a pulp?” Brody questioned.


“ELMO NOW NOW!” Mason said aggressively.


Brody turned on Elmo for Mason. 


“YAY YAY.” Mason said happily.


“Whatever, it's just a stupid kids show-” Hayden says before getting cut off by Brody.


“SILENCE! Mason always knows when someone disrespects Elmo.” Brody said worryful.


Elmo all of a sudden climbs out of the TV with a bat in hand and hits Hayden repeatedly.


“YAY YAY ELMO ALWAYS SAVES THE DAY.” Mason says happily. 


Elmo hands Mason a phone and tells him to call him if someone ever disrespects Elmo ever again.


Room service leaves the room with many questions.


Mason skedaddle’s to the door and lets his army of rats inside the hotel.


Meanwhile Preston goes into hibernation to heal.


----------------------------------------------------------Several hours later------------------------------------------


Rust servers are back up and running so Hayden is happy now. 


Mason is awakened from his nap to scream and forgets about his rat army terrorizing the hotel. 


Elmo hears a rat squeak and leaps from the TV going to save it but is beaten to a pulp by the room service lady and he jumps back into the TV.


Preston is fully healed and he walks to the front of the hotel.


Mason saw this through the window, “PRESTON! HE’S BACK! HE’S AT THE FRONT OF THE HOTEL!”


So Mason, Brody, and Hayden rush to the front of the hotel.


Preston looks distraught.


Ashton’s face can be seen trying to break out of Preston, Preston’s torso stretching as he tries to break through.





That’s the end! 

TerribleNot greatGoodGreatIdioticly Amazing!
Comments (2)



Jun 01, 2023

Brooo this volume was 🔛🔝Best volume yet, it was super entertaining!

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