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Brody turns on his xbox and starts to play sea of thieves.

—-----------------------------------------------In the other room—-----------------------------------------------

Hayden sneaks into Ashtons room while he’s asleep and summons a new ship using Ashtons dark magic book. He walks outside and starts to raise the anchor when Brody yells “WHAT’S GOING ON DOWN THERE!” out the window


Hayden responds with “Ummmm.”


“WELL, SPIT IT OUT!” Brody yells.


Brody falls out the window and onto the ship finding out what mischievous activities Hayden was up to. 


Brody says “OoOoOoOh, can I come?”


“Sure!” Hayden replies


Then all of a sudden they hear someone hitting the goofy griddy




They heard a slight tick and he disappeared. Turns out Ashton was awake and snapped him out of existence with his gauntlet. Ashton jumped out the window and onto the ship and they set sail. 


Mason is sleeping


“Yo guys be right back gotta eat.” Ashton disappears.


—----------------------------------------------On the brigantine—--------------------------------------------------


Ashton reappears on the ship, “Hey guys, we already did this last volume.”


“Volume?” Hayden asked, quite confused.


“You good Ashton?” Brody asked, slightly confused.


“Ah whatever, it's fine… Anyways, we already did this.” Ashton replies, and teleports everyone back to the mansion. 


------------------------------------------------At the mansion--------------------------------------------------------


Brody shivers a bit, “I’ll never get used to that…”


Ashton laughs, “Well, it's not that bad, unless I mess up the spell… Then we could end up in a terrifying dimension of endless terror and pure agony.”


Chills go down Brody’s back.


Hayden is off doing other stuff.


Ashton is experimenting with his spell book (That’ll probably go well.)


Mason is trying to fit himself inside two pieces of bread and failing.


--------------------------------------------------A few hours later---------------------------------------------------


Ashton is making a grilled cheese sandwich together with Mason.


Hayden is watching Netflix.


Brody is up in his room, probably playing video games.


Ashton and Mason split the grilled cheese.


“So Mason, how’s life?” Asked Ashton, sitting at the table with Mason.


Mason deviously consumes his half of the grilled cheese and doesn’t respond.


“You're so strange…” Ashton said, confused.


Mason scurries off, using his ears as legs, for some reason and somehow.


Ashton sighs and finishes his grilled cheese.


-----------------------------------------------Around evening---------------------------------------------------------


Ashton is in his room, still experimenting with dark magic, when he accidentally deletes his door and makes a magical force field around the entire room, blocking anyone from entering or exiting the room.


Everyone else is asleep in their room.


Ashton is freaking out, he left his spell book outside of his room, he is stuck there.

Ashton tries to reverse the spell but ends up putting a wall where his door once was.


Ashton sighs knowing that now no one will be able to find him.


--------------------------------------------------Three days later--------------------------------------------------


Everyones frantically trying to find Ashton, as his door has disappeared and been replaced with a wall, no one is able to tell he’s stuck in there, and the forcefield is invisible and sound proof, so no one can hear him.


“WHERE COULD HE BE?!” Mason screeched.


“WH- I DON’T KNOW!” Responded Hayden.




They search all of the local area, but no luck. No Ashton.


Ashton is forced to live on the magic he memorized, meaning he can only summon bread and water, which is enough to live, for now.


Ashton is still trying to find a way to reverse the spells, but keeps summoning random things.


While Ashton was trying to reverse the spells he hears Mason screech like a pterodactyl then hears Brody and Hayden scream in unison “Where did Mason go!”


Ashton thinks he did something wrong and teleported Mason to another dimension.


—------------------------------------------Where ever Mason is—---------------------------------------------------


“Hey. What’s the big idea.” Mason is like a mix between Mickey Mouse and Donald duck.


Mason hears a familiar voice screaming UWU.


Mason goes towards the noise and see’s Josh screaming UWU.




“ShUt Up!” Mason screams at Josh.


“Oh. Hey Mason. Did the alien tribe convince you to let them take you here when they told you there were free toe nails for your big toe?” Josh asks.


“No. We were looking for Ashton and all of a sudden I ended up here. Also I wish there were free toe nails here.” Mason says.


“You are very smart so you can help me find a way out of here.” Josh says like the idiot he is.


“Yep. I sure can.” Mason responds.


—------------------------------------Back at the mansion also five minutes earlier—-----------------------


Brody and Hayden hear noises and what sounds like someone screaming uwu in the attic but are having too much fun playing Rust to go and investigate.


“I’m getting tired of listening to those noises. I'm going to see what they are.” Brody says.


“I guess I’ll come.” Hayden responds.


Brody and Hayden go open the attic door, and Mason and Josh come tumbling out on top of Brody and Hayden.


“When and why were y'all up there?” Hayden and Brody say in unison. 


“Well Josh was told by an alien tribe that there were free toe nails for your big toe so he let them bring him there, but I just poofed into the existence of the attic.” Mason explained.


Mason falls asleep on the spot,




That’s the end! 

TerribleNot greatGoodGreatIdioticly Amazing!

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