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Everyone appears on a mysterious island


“Oh… That didn’t go as expected…” Said Ashton


Haydens still asleep.


Mason has invented and is drinking elmo juice


Brody’s just holding a controller. “Wh- How did we get here?!”


Ashton looks just as confused. “Looks like I messed something up.”


Mason drinks the elmo juice, “This tastes awful!” He screeches and throws it away, “Also, how did we get here?!”


“Well.. I was trying to teleport an apple onto Haydens head and-” Ashton says, before stopping suddenly


An apple is teleported slightly above Haydens head and falls.


Hayden wakes up, “Wh- What the?! Where are we?!”


“We’re on some random looking island.” Brody answers.


“How did we get here?” Hayden asks.


“Well Ashton was trying to teleport that apple right there onto your head, but we ended up here, and the apple is also what just woke you up.” Brody answered.


“Oh, and Ashton you picked the perfect time to do your teleportation crap. I was in the middle of playing cod!” yelled Brody.


“Well how should I have known that this would happen?!” Ashton yelled.


“Well first of all I told you not to be doing idiotic experiments, and second of all how are we going to explain this one to Mr. Rosenkrans.” Brody said.


“Oh, yeah. I forgot that you said that.” Ashton said while laughing.


“Hold on, if we're all here then shouldn’t Josh be here too?” asked Mason.


“Yeah, you’re right. Where is he?” Brody said.


“We probably need to go find him before he gets himself killed or into some serious trouble.” Hayden said.


—--------------------------------------------An hour into the search—----------------------------------------------


“Man, where could Josh be?!” Ashton said.


“It’s almost night. We need to stop soon and get some sleep.” Brody said.


“We need to be quiet until we stop, so we can listen for Josh screaming or talking.” Mason said.




“Where am I?” Josh said to himself.


Josh has found a coconut tree and is harvesting coconuts.


-------------------------------------------------------------Back to the others----------------------------------------


Ashton is singing Feliz Navidad


Hayden shmacks Ashton, “It’s not even Christmas!” He screams 


“Sorry! I was trying to calm us down!” Ashton responded

Brody is trying to play Xbox, but his Xbox wasn’t teleported, so he’s pretending to control a bird using the controller.


Ashton is playing around with dark magic.


Hayden forces Ashton to stop, “This is what got us into this whole thing!”


Mason eats the bird Brody is pretending to control, “Birds taste very tasty.” He said.


Brody is mortified.


Hayden is disgusted.


Ashton is interested.


Mason is full.


Brody kicks out 


--------------------------------------A few hours later, around 10:00 PM----------------------------------------


Mason is hunting more birds for food.


Brody yawns, “What are we gonna do for sleeping arrangements? He asked


Ashton says “No sleep only Sea Of Thieves.”


Mason is laying on a pile of banana peels. 


Ashton proceeds to spend multiple weeks constructing a ship.


Brody gets onto the ship.


The rest follow.


Brody gets at the wheel.


“Pirate legend!” Mason exclaims while lowering the sails. Brody gets on a cannon and they set out to complete a sea fortress.


Brody docks them perfectly and they board the fort while vanquishing phantoms with a blunderbuss. They get to the boss wave and destroy him, taking the key to the treasury and stealing all the treasure to sell at gold hoarders, order of souls, and merchant alliance. Hayden lowers the sails and they set off for plunder outpost


Josh emerges from the captain's quarters. No one let him on, leaving the crew confused. Josh dives into the sea and that was the last time he was seen. Nevermind he grabbed a rowboat and met us at the outpost. They dock and start to sell at Plunder Outpost. 


They finish selling and head to battle a fleet of skeleton ships for gold and treasure.


Ashton looks intrigued, “Can I try taking control for a second?”


Ashton does so anyway before anyone could answer and starts going uncontrollably fast, it's most likely a combination of the sails being all the way down and the waves being particularly ferocious. 


Ashton accidentally beaches the ship right next to the mansion.


“Oh come on!” Hayden exclaims, he liked his life as a pirate.


“Markiplier.” Ashton replies and goes inside, and lays down in his Markiplier Bed, the pirate ship disappears.


Brody follows.


Hayden goes to McDonalds.


Brody turns on the sink and Josh drips out.


Josh stands up and stretches.


“Wh- What the?! How the?! How did he-?!” Brody is just confused.


Josh leaves the chat.


Brody exits the bathroom.


That’s the end! 

TerribleNot greatGoodGreatIdioticly Amazing!

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