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At school, Ashton and Hayden are sitting at a desk and CJ, also known as “Dontavious Mario Dingleberry” Walks in.


Ashton looks over at “Dontavious,” Confusedly “Who are you?! You're not even in this class!”


“I HAVE 5 D1 OFFERS IN OHIO!” yelled Dontavious Mario Dingleberry.


Dontavious Mario Dingleberry flipped out of his chair 


Ashton mumbles to himself,  “This is a true Ohio resident…” He says as he is sipping a cup of coffee.


”OWW ITS HOT!” He screeches


Hayden laughs.




“No.” Hayden said 


Dontavious then grabs a chair and threw it through the window and started hitting the goofy griddy 


“I sAy RiGhT fOoT cReEp OoH!” Dontavious Mario Dingleberry yelled 


Mason then appeared and body slammed him demonically with his short ahh self and earned the wrestler nickname “Micro Slammer.” 


The next day Ashton walked in right before Dontavious had his goofy outburst for the day 


Dontavious goes crazy and slams every chair into the window and shatters the window. And also charges at the wall and breaks the wall. Then Dontavious calms down and hits that goofy griddy and yells “I sAy RiGhT fOoT cReEp OoH!” Ashton then dropkicks Dontavious through the window.    


Ashton pulls out a Mr. Beast Feastables Bar and starts munching on it.


Brody then steals it, and runs off while eating.


Ashtons anger is unmeasurable, and his eyes turn void black, Brody has really messed up this time.


As Brody is running down the hall eating Ashton’s Mr. Beast Feastables Bar, he can hear crashing behind him.


Ashton is chasing Brody, his eyes a void black and he has venom like tendrils he’s using to chase Brody faster.


Brody runs faster in complete and utter fear.


Brody then throws an empty Mr. Beast Feastables bar wrapper on the ground and laughs knowing what he just did.


Ashton looks at the wrapper, not amused, he picks it up and places it in the trash, “Brody! Littering is bad! Unless it’s Tuesday.” Ashton screams at Brody.


“Sorry, but I am running for my life!” Brody screams back


“Oh yeah, I forgot I was chasing you.” Ashton doubles his speed as he catches up with Brody.


“Hey buddy we can talk about this right?!” Brody says as he turns around and starts running twice as fast as before.


Ashton extends one of his tendrils and picks up Brody, pulling him up to his face.


Brody then pulls out a lamp with a Genie inside. He rubs the lamp, and says “I wish Ashton would lose his tendrils and instead I get tendrils.”


Ashton laughs, he then does a protection spell, blocking the Genies efforts.


Brody realizes what happened, and he bites Ashton’s tendril off and runs the opposite direction.


Ashton performs a spell, teleporting Brody into a void, he then teleports himself there


--------------------------------------------------The Endless Void----------------------------------------------------


Brody is so confused that he decides to ask Ashton where they are.


Ashton looks at Brody and begins explaining, “We are currently outside of time and space, we are no longer in the realm of the living, nor are we in the realm of the dead. Time does not pass here.”


Brody pulls out another Mr. Beast Feastables bar and says “If I give you this, can you take us back to the realm of living and we just put this all behind us?”


Ashton accepts the Mr. Beast Feastables bar and teleports them back to the land of the living.

--------------------------------------The “Land Of The Living”------------------------------------------------------


Brody and Ashton walk back to class and have a conversation about why Brody stole the        Mr. Beast Feastables bar.


“Why did you take the bar if you already had one?” Ashton asked.


“Because I knew it would be funny.” Brody answered laughing.


Ashton slaps Brody and Brody falls forward as Ashton runs away saying a random kid named ‘Billy Bob” knocked out Brody.


Brody awakens after Yoni steps on him… it was a hallucination, Yoni’s still in the basement. It was Jim. 


Brody stands up looking around wondering what happened and out of the blue he heard Mason yell


“Hey what’s the big idea!” 


He turned around and Mason was skedaddling at him head on and Mason rammed him full force and kept running. Brody glances at the clock and turns out it was 6 minutes past dismissal. He got up and grabbed his backpack and ran home


—---------------------------------------------------At the Mansion—------------------------------------------------


Ashton was sitting on his Markiplier couch, eating a Markiplier burrito, wrapped in his Markiplier blanket.


Brody bursts in, he’d have been running the whole way home.


The entire mansion is decked out in markiplier merchandise at this point, Ashton has been promoted to Super-Fan


Ashton looks over at Brody, “Why hello there.” He said, greeting Brody.


Brody looks at all the Markiplier merchandise that's decorating the mansion, “Wh- Where- Why is the mansion covered in Markiplier merch?!”


Ashton is thinking, “Well uh… I really like Markiplier.” He responds.


Brody walks away, makes a cup of tea, comes back like fifteen minutes later, takes a sip, and spits it out, “WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THIS STUFF ANYWAY?! I- I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THEY MADE MARKIPLIER COUCHES! OR BURRITOS FOR THE MATTER!”


Ashton laughs, “I made it myself!”


Brody is confused, “How?!”


“Magic, my dear idiot.” Ashton responds.


“I should’ve known, and I am not an idiot! Josh is an idiot. I thought we all knew this.” Brody said.


Josh walked in just as Brody finished.


“What was all the commotion in here?” Josh asked.


“Shut up Josh!” Brody and Ashton said in unison.


Josh walked out confused.


Just as Josh walked out he was hit by the rhinoceros that Brody had contained in a cage.


Brody and Ashton watched as this happened and didn’t feel the least bit concerned but still went and told Hayden who was watching Football, and then went and told Mason who was watching Elmo’s world what had just happened.


They all went outside to see Josh.


Once outside they all started laughing as they saw that Josh was holding on to the rhino horn for dear life.


Ashton, Brody, Hayden, and Mason all went back inside so they wouldn’t end up like Josh.


Brody went to his room on the 5th floor and turned on Supernatural on Netflix.


After about 3 hours Brody went to the kitchen and made what could’ve been a thanksgiving dinner. 


Brody yelled for everyone and they all came down to eat.


The thing is Brody made two dinners identical to each other one being good and the other being bad. Brody made the others pick between the two meals.


Hayden was first and he was all good, but he told Ashton and Mason which one was good, so Brody had no fun.


After dinner everyone went to their rooms doing whatever they wanted. Ashton practiced dark magic, Hayden slept, Mason started concocting Elmo juice and Brody played his Xbox.


Ashton messed something up and everyone feels a knot in their stomach.


Everyone disappears.


That’s the end!

TerribleNot greatGoodGreatIdioticly Amazing!
Comments (2)

Mr.Plays with Squirrels
Mr.Plays with Squirrels
Sep 24, 2023

Shiver me timbers


Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper
Sep 19, 2023

this was very scary

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